
Lake Winnepesaukah - Rossville, Georgia USA
"Come on, get happy"

Ride Statistics
Height: 37.73 feet | 11,5 meters
Max Drop:
Top Speed:
Track Length: 861.22 feet | 262,5 meters
Rider Capacity: 550 per hour
Max G-Force:
Ride Time:
Avg Speed:
Angle of Descent:
Number of Cars: 5
Length of Train:
Restraints: Individual Hydraulic Lapbars
Number of Trains:
Cars per Train:
Vehicles Designed by: L&T Systems

Arrangement: Riders are arranged 2 across, 4 seats per car for a total capacity of 20 riders.
Notes: L&T (Leisure & Travel) does have an 8-car version as well. Based on their 30 x 20 meter model.
Structure: Muted orange track with galvanized steel column supports. Each car is shaped as a navy/powder blue Techno Mouse with bright yellow headlight eyes.
A series of sharp, flat curves that makes the riders feel as if the car is about to fly off the track into the trees, before whipping you back again into submission. This is immediately followed by steep plunges, more curves, dips and switchbacks.
Features: This famous design is patterned after the "wild" movements of a mouse moving through a maze trying to find his way to the cheese so to speak.
History: Originally this coaster was called Wild Thing when it opened and later changed in 2002 as Valleyfair! already had a coaster of the same name.

This classic steel "wild mouse" design may seem rough to some, but in all actuality this was the smoothest one I've ridden. There was no "play" between the wheels and the track. I rate it 2 's




No Wild Lightnin' ride photo is available at this time.



Don't fret! Photos for Wild Lightnin' are forthcoming!

