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.    CoasterBoard — 169 Total Topics

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  Forum Moderator Description Topics Posts
Gaming Gaming CoasterAdmin Here you can impart with the rest of the coaster community any questions, tips & tricks, or game saves you may wish to share. Talk about exciting coaster simulation games with fellow gamers who are hooked such as Rollercoaster Tycoon, NoLimits, Disney Coaster, SimCoaster, Ultimate Ride, Coaster Deluxe, Scream Machines, or K'Nex. 5 17
Waterparks Waterparks CoasterAdmin Discuss various water rides at either amusement parks or full fledged waterparks and the fun (or not) of getting soaked! 3 6
Trip Reports Trip Reports CoasterAdmin Recently been somewhere? Stopped by a nearby park unexpectedly recently while on vacation? If so, post the report of your journey as well as any photos you may want to share! 7 2
Off Topic Off Topic CoasterAdmin Here is the place to talk about things that are near and dear to your heart or simply ramblings or observations within the amusement industry. 33 111
Feedback / Improvements Feedback / Improvements CoasterAdmin Post comments, suggestions, accolades, and general ideas for improving this Web site. 7 7
Theme Parks / Rollercoasters
Africa & Australia Africa & Australia CoasterAdmin Discussion topics centered around amusement parks and rollercoasters enjoyed by our African brothers and Down Under! 0 0
Asia Asia CoasterAdmin Discussion topics centered around amusement parks and rollercoasters located within Asian continent. 2 1
Europe Europe CoasterAdmin Discussion topics centered around amusement parks and rollercoasters located within the European Union. 6 2
North & South America North & South America CoasterAdmin Discussion topics centered around amusement parks and rollercoasters located within the North and South American continents. 106 274

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